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Morten Mathiesen

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28.10.2024 /

Blue Logistics Group strengthens the management through replacement

Nicklas Eggert takes over as Group COO at the same time as Nikolaj Meyland-Smith resigns. From now on, Mikkel Fruergaard will hold the position of Group CEO.
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27.05.2024 /

Blue Logistics Group A/S continues its growth and adds another company to the family

Uni-way A/S enters as the next family member here shortly after the announcement regarding Fogtmann A/S' entry into the group. Partners behind Uni-way and Blue Logistics respectively have entered into an agreement to transfer the majority of shares in Uni-way A/S.
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30.04.2024 /

Blue Logistics Group strengthens its position with the takeover of Fogtmann A/S

Then we can finally unveil another piece of good news, we are extremely proud and happy to finally announce that Fogtmann A/S is now officially part of the Blue Logistics Group! This partnership expands our service offering and strengthens our focus on responsible transport. Together we are stronger and closer to our goals. Welcome, Fogtmann A/S!
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05.02.2024 / Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung

Tidligere NTG-ledere grundlægger nyt selskab (tysk)

Die Blue Logistics Group will unter ihrem Dach kleinere Firmen durch Partnerschaftsabkommen an sich binden. Vorbild ist die schon lange am Markt etablierte Nordic Transport Group (NTG). (Blue Logistics Group ønsker at sammenbinde mindre virksomheder under sin paraply gennem partnerskabsaftaler. Modellen er kendt fra Nordic Transport Group (NTG), som længe har været etableret på markedet.)
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